Same Blog, New Look

Monday, September 14, 2009 |

You may (or may not) have noticed that Bluenatic looks rather different than it did the last time you surfed over here. That's because I did a semi redesign over the weekend, prompted by the promise of a new football season and some insightful feedback regarding the color scheme I'd been employing (dark background, white letters) and width of the main column (unnecessarily narrow).

This redesign is a work-in-progress, though, so if you should have any ideas about how I can improve the design to make it more reader friendly, please leave those ideas in the comments.



Bookhead said...

Bossman, I dig the new look.

Let me know when I can get you that six-pack. Comes with a free hangout session.

Headsnack said...

I like the wider columns but dug the old color scheme more. It made me feel more a part of the big blue wrecking crew.